We’re All About that Orange

October 27, 2014

We’ve made it pretty clear by now that orange is to SquarePlanet as coffee is to mornings. As peanut butter is to jelly. As puppies are to happiness. 

The two are absolutely, positively, 100% inseparable. 

In fact, if you cut us pirates open, it’d be a toss up as to whether or not we’d bleed coffee or just the color orange. Perhaps orange coffee? I digress.

But, do you know why our walls — and everything we put between them — are orange? While yes, we do like the color, there’s more to it than that. (And no, it’s not just a reflection of our Chief Word Guy Brian Burkhart’s fandom of the Chicago Bears).

The answer my friends, is that orange is the color of contrast. Think about traffic cones or hunting vests. They stand out and grab attention. They are starkly different to the average surroundings.

We too, are starkly different than your average company, and we encourage all our clients to be the same. Bold. Pirates. Orange.

Recently we stumbled upon this article that breaks down the psychology of the color orange, offering some interesting fun facts, quips and info on the subliminal stuff that goes along with it. Basically, we fell in love with the article, and want to share it with the world. Check it out here.

And thank you to Meghan Trainor for your inspiration of this blog’s title. We really like lame jokes and your song helped our cause.


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