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Own the room.
I teach you the formula so you look effortless.

$1.2 trillion.
Companies collectively waste that much money every year because of miscommunications. The fix should start at the top, but most executives don’t even know where to begin. One thing that won’t fix the problem: more slide decks. Don’t you think it’s time to actually own the room?

I'm not for everyone.
While rehearsing a presentation you’re going to ask “How’d I do?” If you simply want to be affirmed, fine, ask your direct reports. But if you want legit feedback that propels you forward, helping you to communicate effortlessly, then ask me. Ask the chef how to cook, not the dishwasher.
You go first.
Admitting you’d like to truly own the room is the first step. Let’s discuss my formula for success and how it will transform you to effortless.
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