We’re In The Emotion Business

We’re In The Emotion Business

Imagine you’re a track and field athlete about to run the 400m dash. One lap and you’re done. Sounds simple enough right? Now imagine the lights in the stadium go out and you can’t find your shoes. Are your palms sweating yet?? This nightmarish scenario is akin to how...
Let’s All be Human to One Another

Let’s All be Human to One Another

Last week, I was walking with a friend when she noticed the brassy sheen of a penny on the sidewalk. “Find a penny, pick it up; all day long you’ll have good luck!” She said Easily amused by the little things in life, she bent down to grab the coin,...
6 Quick Tips to Rock Your Next Presentation

6 Quick Tips to Rock Your Next Presentation

Stage fright. Glossophobia. Those pesky little butterflies in your stomach. They all mean the same thing for a majority of individuals: public speaking can be a dreaded task. We’ve compiled a brief list of tips that can help keep your heart rate at a steady pace...
5 Ways to Be a Pirate

5 Ways to Be a Pirate

In honor of International Talk Like a Pirate Day, the crew at SquarePlanet felt it extremely necessary to share 5 ways you can be a pirate today! We can’t help ourselves, it’s kind of our thing—from our schtick to our mantra, made famous by Steve Jobs:...

Fill In the Blank: Yes, and __________.

Over and over I’ve heard the rules of improv applied to everything besides improv. I have realized that one rule in particular can actually make a difference in everything we do. That rule is saying “yes, and…” A while back, I read a famous quote by Thomas Edison that...